Business Sustainability



The internal environment has ever been so uncertain for small to medium Business Owners.


Examples include :

  • Economy wide shock events such as COVID-19. GFC, etc.,
  • Increased regulation and government activities across multiple sectors
  • Increasingly demanding customers in terms of value, ways they wan to interact with you (eg; digital) and access to alternative providers (eg; global corporations such as Amazon)
  • The growing impact of climate change on the economy
  • National events such as Christchurch earthquakes, etc.,


These factors make it very difficult for SMEs to be confident in the sustainability of their businesses and business models.


This module aims to provide a series of frameworks and approaches to developing a sustainability plan for your business.


The module is template driven and will consist of two sets of activities, pre and post in-person session.


Business Sustainability Session Format


The session will be conducted along the following 8 Steps:

Pre-Activities (2-3 hours)

  • We will ask you to complete a comprehensive questionnaire on your business and use this to drive a one-on-one interview with you to drive deeper into topics identified. This content will also be used to develop a ‘starter pack’ with pre-populated data for your business for the interactive in-person session


Business Sustainability Session (4 hours) 

  • The session will be a multi-sector interactive session
  • As stated, the workshop will be template driven so that you can fill it in as you progress your thoughts on the day. As it’s done, you will have a comprehensive sustainability plan for your business.


Post-Activities (2-3 hours) 

  • Finalisation of Business & Strategy plan



Key Outcomes


  • A sustainability and business continuity plan



Key Benefits


  • Customers expect your business to be sustainable
  • Environmental aspects of sustainability can be positive from your plan eg; reduction of waste/environment impact
  • Tools and techniques for dealing with known and unknown risks tailored to your business

Courses / Sessions are run by:


Our workshops are run by our senior executives with each have over 25 years’ experience in consulting for some of the largest organisations in Australia and New Zealand. Both practitioners have board, CEO and MD Level experience and have worked extensively across New Zealand, Australia, South East Asia, USA and UK.

Rachael Alexander

Marco Ciobo



  • The session will be conducted on the North Shore or in the city of Auckland, or alternatively can be attended via video conference
  • Lunch will be provided



Expressions of Interest


Phone: 0800 ASK MAX (0800 275 629)
